July 8-11, 2018
Limerick, Ireland
Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education: Contemporary Perspectives in a Digital World
A collaboration of ACE , ITLC, and the University of Limerick.
This past year marked the 30th anniversary of the landmark educational publication of “Seven Principles of Effective Undergraduate Education.” Much has happened in higher education over the past 30 years. Information is now readily available to all college and university students in essentially every classroom through handheld devices. This has considerably shifted the role of the faculty member, and even what it means for students to become educated. In addition, globalization and interconnectedness is happening today in ways that could not have been conceived of thirty years ago. Students today can, with relative ease, consult with classmates in distant lands, interview noble prize winners, and converse with famers from another continent. Much work has been done in the past decade that has a substantial impact on foundational educational principles: high impact practices (2007), threshold concepts (2005), and universal design for learning (1998). An entire generation of learners have emerged since the previous discussion and publication of a set of principles of undergraduate education.
This summit is focused on developing a framework for principles of undergraduate education in a digital and global educational environment that will be published and made available to the global higher education community.